For one who has lost so much, a trickle of memory soon becomes a torrent of anguish.
Never give a meal the chance to be late for dinner.
According to the Bladebreaker Order, only those that must will die. The notches atop the hilt are meant to capture and turn enemy swords in the hopes that the disarmed opponent might flee instead of fight.
The Tentacular Timelord Mace of the Tentacular Timelord Bracers of the Tentacular Timelord Primal Form of the Tentacular Timelord Armor of the Tentacular Timelord Skirt of the Tentacular Timelord
Magnificent is the stature of the creatures of the primordial night, and so must also be the garments that adorn them.
Visions of the Forsaken Flame Bracers of the Forsaken Flame Hood of the Forsaken Flame Vetments of the Forsaken Flame Belt of the Forsaken Flame Off-Hand Weapon of the Forsaken Flame Weapon of the Forsaken Flame
The Dovehawks of Deldalah appear only for those who wage a protector’s fight – seeking always to bring justice to a world that knows precious little of it.
Cape of the formal battle dress of a crumbled and forgotten academy for the mystic arts, claimed as rite and tribute on the day its star pupil decided to break free.
Overkill for a rabbit hunt? You haven’t seen these particular rabbits.
The forgemaster of Emauracus boasts he’s the finest smith alive. Some allow he may be right. Yet even he can only marvel at the enchanted works of the old ones–those long-dead knights who were amongst the first mortals to receive the blessings of the Omniscience.
From the shards of numerous broken enemies, a weapon to be borne by one King alone.