Like a shadow that chills the noonday sun, the span of the demon marauder is sure to darken any day.
Ancestral Luck
The ogres of the elder days were said to be great builders and skilled artisans… by ogre standards.
Affront of the Overseer
Though depictions of his body and form differ in the telling, the crackle of the Lightning Revenant’s whip is known to all of the blessed few who have returned to life from the Narrow Maze. This item can be upgraded with the ‘Compact of the Guardian Construct Style Unlock’ granted to players who complete at [...]
Affront of the Overseer
These items were created in partnership with Team Empire, who receive a portion of every purchase.
Acid Hydra
Though the priests of Dezun believe they alone possess the secrets of the ethereal shade, Dazzle’s discovery of a race of insects in the lost jungles of Fellstrath capable of suckling energy directly from the Nothl Realm puts that claim to rest. But these creatures are inefficient with their feeding, and each puncture they create [...]
Apocalyptic Fire
Doom’s power has shattered this blade.
Apocalyptic Fire
Doom’s power has shattered this blade.
Apocalyptic Fire
Doom’s power has shattered this blade.
Apocalyptic Fire
His branded wings are bound and bandaged, though they remain forever unable to lift him into the light.
Like a shadow that chills the noonday sun, the span of the demon marauder is sure to darken any day.
Apocalyptic Fire
Doom’s power has shattered this blade.
Lost to him in the final trial before his banishment to Foulfell, the reclamation of these scythes represents the penultimate step on Terrorblade’s return to demonic glory. Only one aspect of his plan remains unfinished. The worlds of demon and man will soon know sorrow.